Monday, February 6, 2012

Young Female Celebrity Loses My Respect

 While surfing the net last night I saw some things about a certain young singer/actress whom my daughter once adored.   I understand that when you reach a certain age, you want to test the waters and find yourself.  I understand being a young person is hard and I'm sure being in the spotlight at such a young age is a tremendous amount of stress.  However, when you become a celebrity you have signed on for that life in the spotlight.  When you have thousands of little girls looking up to you as a role model you have an obligation to maintain somewhat of a respectful reputation.  If you decide to have a wild night or two, it's your life do as you want... however for the love of Pete: DO NOT pose for your friends to take pictures.  Learn from your past mistakes of doing that... and perhaps get a few new friends.  I can only pray my child will not run across the pictures I saw on the web of this "party cake."  I watch Noodle Poodle closely while she's on the web and we have parental locks, however I can't control what her friends see or what they share with their smart phones, etc.


  1. I have a feeling I know who you are talking about. Lol

  2. LOL I'd say you do too. Let's just say she may have "the best of both worlds" and I don't want our girls to be influenced by either one..... ;-)

  3. Ya i found that pic at work..during lunch. Not nice! IF its what I am thinking of...wasn't too shocked but was wondering what the heck she was thinking..geesh
