Thursday, July 19, 2012

Shine A Light

This week has been a busy one.  After a small break, Noodle Poodle's volleyball practice is back in full swing.  And we have been in Vacation Bible School.  I love VBS.  It is such an awesome experience to witness children as they learn more about God, while having a great time.  The church we have been going to, is one of the churches I grew up in.  We started going there when I was 9 and just walking in the doors of that country church, brings back so many happy memories.  One of the most wonderful men I have ever known, was our pastor.  He has since past away and the church received another wonderful man to pastor them.  I am always delighted when I see pastor Donald.  He has a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face each and every time I see him.  You can honestly see the love of God shine, through him.  To me, that is what a Christian is suppose to be.  We are suppose to shine a light for God.  We are suppose to let other's see, through us, the love he has for everyone.  Sadly, with some people this is not the case.  How can others see the love of God, when they are being harshly and openly judged by someone else or hear someone claiming to be his, gossip?  How can they see the warmth of God's love, when they see people claiming to be Christians, pass by those in need, as if they aren't even there?  How can they see the forgiveness in God's love, when they have a so called follower of his, hold grudges and refuse to forgive others?  How can they see the love God has for all people, when they witness people from different denominations fight over who is right?  They can't.  They don't.  And they won't. 

It is up to each and every Christian to be a soldier for Christ.  To be a soldier we are to be an example of how God's love works.  We are to show compassion, respect, forgiveness, and kindness to others.  Whether they are fellow Christians, non Christians, rich, poor, straight, gay, white, black, brown, or purple with pink polka dots.  We are suppose to love others, just as Christ loves us.  To be a witness to others is not bashing them with how wrong they are.  The truth is we are all sinners.  How can we judge another person's life, when we are sinners ourselves?  It reminds me of the song that goes: "I'm not perfect, just forgiven."  I am not perfect, by any means.  I sin each and every day.  I need God's forgiveness and grace each day that I live.  We all do.  Even though I stumble and have made huge mistakes in my life, (and will continue to as long as I live) I hope that when I leave this world, I have at least one person say they could see God's love through me. 


  1. Very well said! I love ya bunches, my friend.

    1. Thank you my dear J! You know how much I love and respect you. You are one person I can honestly say is a true friend. I am so proud of you! <3
